ことの次第 / Way of Things
A Subscription-Based Platform for the reuse of "Things" in Architectural production
"ことの次第 / Way of Things" redefines materials and components used in architectural construction, spaces, and places as "things."
Launched by the architecture collective GROUP, the project was initiated to minimize the waste generated from the demolition of impermanent buildings and exhibition venues. GROUP aims to find a new home for these "things" through an online platform that makes them available for trade.
The platform is open to anyone interested in the "things"; including architects, contractors, carpenters, artists, designers, DIY enthusiasts, and home owners looking to build their own spaces.
This subscription-based online platform aims to foster the emergence of new spaces through the reuse of these "things."

Participation in the Four Phases of Architecture: Plan/Build/Complete/Disassemble
The process of creating a building or exhibition can be broadly divided into four phases: "Plan," "Build," "Complete," and "Disassemble." "ことの次第 / Way of Things" aims for these four phases to be repeated, ensuring the circulation of the "things."
Alongside these four phases, we operate a subscription-based platform where information about these "things" can be shared. By subscribing, you can request or negotiate the acquisition of "things" awaiting demolition and, upon successful negotiation, obtain them for no cost. Additionally, the platform allows you to view the history of each "thing," the design process of the buildings and exhibitions, and relevant architectural drawings. This information can be utilized in the design of new buildings or exhibitions by the recipients.
Subscribers can also utilize the following services provided by GROUP. Some services may incur additional fees. For more details, please refer to the Subscribe page.

Plan / 設計
1: Requesting Measurements and Drawings of Existing/Demolished Projects
For individuals or organizations wishing to provide their 'things' (materials and components related to architecture, spaces, and places) that are no longer needed, we accept requests for users to submit drawings of their 'things' to be exhbited on the platform.
2: Consultation on Planning
We accept consultations on the planning of buildings, exhibition spaces, stores, and other spaces related to 'things.'
Build / 施工
1: Consulting on Construction
We accept consultations on the construction of buildings, exhibition spaces, stores, and other spaces related to 'things.'
Complete / 竣工
1: Donating No-Longer Used Building Materials
Once the impermanent buildings/spaces/places designed by participants of 'Way of Things' are completed, the submitted design process and drawings of the 'things' will be made public online. The negotiation for the building materials will then begin. Negotions are available until the 'things' are disassembled.
2: Sharing Exhibition Information
The latest information on exhibitions designed by members of 'Way of Things' will be available online. Drawings with measurements will also be provided online, which can be useful when considering the acquisition of 'things.'
Disassemble / 解体
1: Obtaining No-Longer Used Building Matierals
Those who have successfully negotiated on the platform can obtain their 'things' free of charge.
Planning / Management
GROUP aims to create a space where people with different expertise can collaborate both temporarily and continuously through architectural projects, engaging in architectural design, research, and construction.
Major activities include the design and construction of 'Garden for Yumeshima' (Osaka, 2025), the design and operation of 'Ebina Art Freeway' (Kanagawa, 2021), the design and construction of 'Garden besides Shinjuku White House ' (Tokyo, 2021), the planning and editing of 'NOTES Issue 1: Garden' (NOTESEDITION, 2021), the design of 'EASTEAST_TOKYO' (Art Fair Venue Layout, 2023), the group exhibition 'Involvement / Rain / Water Passage' (21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, DXP Exhibition, 2023), and the solo exhibition 'Planning Another Island' (MYNAVI ART SQUARE, Tokyo, 2024)', and 'Maintenance / Repair' (WHITEHOUSE, Tokyo, 2021).
HP: https://www.groupatelier.jp/
IG: @groupatelier